Recent Posts
- Road Trip!
- Santa is COMING!!!!
- Vice-President Visit
- Fire Prevention
- New Members and Special Election!
- Applebees Fundraiser!
- Labor Day Fireworks
- Passing of Life Member: Robert W. Denney Sr.
- Appreciation Lunch
- Our Family is Growing AGAIN!
- Our Family Is Growing!
- Open House and Smoke Detector Giveaway
- Passing of Members Grandfather
- Passing of Members Mother
- Grant Awarded
- Grant Awarded
- Passing of Members Grandmother
Santa is COMING!!!!
The fire company has received offical word from Santa that he is requesting the honor of an escort through the Township of Chester to spread holiday cheer! To makes things better he is not only coming one day but TWO! Santa will be in the Township on Dec. 17, and 18 starting around 6pm, so be on the lookout for him and the fire company!